Blog categorized as Partner resources

Automated job alert emails
One of the best ways you can support your students is to set up automate alert emails that inform them when upcoming career opportunities of interest to them are about to close.
17.02.25 04:06 AM - Comment(s)
Technical FAQ
This article covers the common questions we get asked by security and IT departments when implementing a new career directory.
02.02.24 05:24 AM - Comment(s)
Linking from CareerHub
If students at your institution use CareerHub to access career information, it’s important to link to your new career directory from there to make sure students have access to the latest opportunities.
02.02.24 04:34 AM - Comment(s)
Inviting employers to your directory
Using a Prosple career directory means you get access to our vast network of graduate jobs and employers, but did you know you can also invite new employers to your instance?
02.02.24 04:24 AM - Comment(s)
Bulk verifying credentials issued by Prosple
Quickly verify multiple Prosple-issued certificates in one go with our bulk verification tool.
02.02.24 03:45 AM - Comment(s)
Adding a Job search widget to your website
Easily add the Prosple Job and Internship Search Widget to your website in just three simple steps to enhance job and course discovery for your users.
01.02.24 05:03 AM - Comment(s)