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  • Be seen by the country’s brightest graduates
    Get your brand in front of the country’s top graduates and secure your spot in the definitive guide students use to choose their first employer.
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Be the first choice for top graduates

Stand out where it matters most
Leave a lasting impression
Reach graduates actively searching for employers

How the Top 100 Graduate Employers book helps you

Stand out with lasting visibility
With print ads, your brand stays in students' hands long after digital ads fade away. Our book is a go-to resource for graduates, giving your company unmatched staying power.

Reach students where they're already looking
Students trust the Top 100 Employers book when making career decisions. With placements in our publication, you’ll be where students are actively researching their future employers.

Build a strong employer brand
Prosple helps you showcase your brand in a premium environment. With employer profiles, editorial features, and top ad placements, you’ll attract the top talent your organisation needs.

View the Top 100 Graduate Employers eBook for Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines.

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Advertising options

Premium placement
Editorial advertising
Full page display ads
Graduates' Choice awards
Premium placement

Premium placement

Maximize your exposure with premium ad spaces (inside front cover, outside back cover, inside back cover). Benefit from prime visibility that ensures your brand is seen first and last, leaving a lasting impression.
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Editorial advertising

Editorial advertising

Feature your company in articles or interviews of your graduates, showcasing real stories of success. Build trust and relatability by connecting with students through genuine content.

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Full page display ads

Full page display ads

Capture students’ attention with a full-page ad designed to highlight your employer brand. This prime placement ensures your message stands out among Australia’s top employers.

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Graduates' Choice awards

Graduates' Choice awards

Get featured alongside the country’s  Top 100 employers and be recognized by the students. This high-prestige placement boosts your credibility and increases student interest.

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Why act now: Don't miss this opportunity

Limited display ad availability

Distributed to over 33k students on-campus

The most trusted graduate career guide in Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines

Get featured in the Top 100 Graduate Employers Book

Don’t miss out on this year’s top talent! Secure your premium spot and put your brand front and center for thousands of graduates ready to start their careers.