Unleashing the Power of Employer Branding: Leveraging Social Media to Attract Top Graduate Talent

Team Prosple

In today's competitive job market, employer branding is vital to attract top graduate talent. Crafting a compelling narrative that sets your company apart as an employer of choice is essential. In today's digital era, social media is a powerful tool for amplifying your employer brand.

Why is employer branding important? 

Nowadays attracting top graduate talent requires more than just a job posting. It goes beyond just showcasing the job opportunities; it shows what it's like to work for the organisation. Employer branding plays a massive role in showcasing your company’s unique culture, values, and opportunities to potential candidates.

Traditional Employer Branding Methods

There are traditional methods to build up your employer brand. You can write compelling job ads, spruce up your website, and show up at university events like job fairs and student gatherings. You can also use platforms like Prosple to share stories, graduate reviews, and videos that tell people what's so great about working at your company.

Social Media for Employer Branding

However one lesser discussed method is social media. Social media's wide reach and engagement potential make it a prime channel for reaching and resonating with your target audience of university students. Based on a study conducted by Experian, 98% of university students use social media on a daily basis, making it crucial to leverage social media in today's digital age. 

Numerous leading companies are excelling in the employer branding space on social media for good reason. A staggering 52% of candidates consult a company's social media presence to gain insights into its culture, values, and work environment before deciding to apply.

Platform Strategy

While there are a lot of social media platforms to choose from, it can be challenging to effectively manage and generate content for all of them. Therefore, we recommend concentrating your efforts on three specific platforms: LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.

By strategically using these platforms, you can effectively connect with students and graduates across various segments of the digital landscape. 

Where should I start and what content to create?

We recommend starting by reviewing the reviews you've received from your current graduates. This will help you define your Graduate Value Proposition (GVP). By analysing these reviews, you can identify the strong points of your graduate program. Then, you can concentrate on emphasising these aspects when creating content for your social media.

In this example, we can see the GVP are supportive environment and flexible working. Showing these through a social media post is important to graduates who apply here. Some values you may notice in the graduate reviews could be: 

  • Learning and Development
  • Mentorship
  • Career Advancement
  • Work-Life Balance / Perks
  • Impactful Work
  • Global Opportunities
  • Strong Compensation

📌Check out this Social Media Cheat Sheet if you are looking for content ideas that relate to your values!

What challenges does employer branding help?

This graph shows the diverse challenges that employers encounter when recruiting graduates, with the top-ranked challenge being intense competition for talent.

Employer branding provides a competitive edge, making companies stand out and appear more appealing to prospective graduates. A positive employer brand addresses the challenges mentioned above and also offers several advantages, including enhanced talent attraction, improved candidate quality, faster hiring, preventing reneges, and reaching a diverse pool of candidates.

Paid Social Media Efforts

We've covered some of the organic results you can anticipate. Now, let's explore some examples of paid social media efforts where you can utilise them to drive applications, increase brand awareness, or achieve diversity targets.

Here are the some examples of the campaigns we’ve run for employers:

📌If you're interested in exploring paid social media marketing, please reach out to your account manager or contact Shek Kumar at shek.kumar@prosple.com, our Graduate Attraction Specialist, to discover how Prosple can assist you.

The slide deck and the webinar

Visualisations of all information discussed are available in this slide deck that was shared in the webinar:

To watch the webinar in full, click the video below!