The graduate recruiters guide to maximum engagement

Team Prosple

When it comes to recruiting graduates, competition is stiffer than ever, you can no longer rely on just gathering applications and sending emails. Instead, to be successful, you need to make your graduate recruitment campaign as active as possible.

To be noticed by the best graduates, you will need to use several different marketing channels to get your organisation’s name in front of the top graduates. This graduate recruitment guide will look at some of the best practices that your organization can use when it comes to a variety of channels. Here are the channels we will look at:

  • Job Boards
  • Your Site
  • Social Media
  • Career Fairs

Job Boards

Job boards are a great place to engage with graduate students in your particular niche. In other words, they are the perfect place to build relationships with the exact students you are looking to reach. Of course, to do this, you have to be mindful when posting to job boards.

Here are some best practices to use when crafting these posts:

Top-quality graduate students will have many options to choose from, and because of modern technology, they are able to view hundreds of potential companies almost instantly. That is why perfecting your profile is key in attracting the best graduate students. You want to craft an employer profile that is informative and engaging to communicate your organization’s values.

After creating a great employer profile, the next step will be making engaging job ads. This is where you make your first impression on potential candidates. Done right, it will attract the best graduates to your organization. Done wrong, it will turn away almost all suitable applicants. Want to learn how to be a magnet for top talent? Check out our job ad guide.

Finally, communicating the core values of your company to graduates gives you a large advantage. Do you care about fostering diversity? Then you should say so on your profile. Beyond this, allowing candidates to have an insider look at your organization builds rapport and excitement. The effect of this is powerful. Day in the life content has some of the highest engagement among students across all our grad sites.

This content helps your company stand out amidst a sea of options and attract the right talent because you are giving them a backstage pass of what it is like to work in the role from the perspective of a graduate in your organisation. Creating individual pages for this content will give you presence and build engagement on your company’s profile.

Prosple offers you these services across a wide range of sites, allowing you to attract and engage a larger amount of the graduate market. If you are interested in gauging this type of top talent, contact us today.

Your website

Most students begin engaging with your company through job boards. Once they have browsed your job posting and employer profile, they will then move on to research further, which means they will likely end up on your website. When they do, you need to be sure to engage them immediately. So how do you do this? Well, there are many ways, but the most important factor is to ensure that when you’re creating your page, you are thinking like a graduate student. 

Imagine yourself as that student and try to deduce what you think would be the most attractive form of content. This could be anything from your company’s core values to a beautiful picture of the office. This will, of course, depend on the organization and your industry.

No matter what you decide on, there is one thing that must always be present: a clear call to action. Everything else on your page is simply a runway, leading them to your call to action, in most cases, this will be an application form. To encourage this, you should give a detailed structure of your student recruitment program and what it will bring to the graduate student at each and every step. This would encourage the applicant to dream about working for your company and visualize themselves in your grad program.

All of the core principles you use to create a good graduate job ad are also applicable when making a good graduate program website. For more information on that, check out our job ad guide.

Social Media

Social media is a great accompanying tool to use when recruiting graduates. The wide reach of these networks is very powerful for generating free additional engagement. Additionally, you can use these social media platforms in conjunction with other events. Things like virtual career fairs or other live events are perfect for this as you can re-share clips from these as well as other marketing efforts to increase your engagement and reach.

When using social media, think creatively about how you can engage your audience and represent your company. 

Career Fairs

Career fairs are an innovative way of building one on one relationships directly with the graduates. In fact, this is a great opportunity to widen your talent pool and find candidates that you feel will be a great fit for your organisation. Career fairs also let you reach a wide range of students in a more personable way through things like Q&A sessions or speed interviews.

Prosple organizes Super Fairs, University-specific virtual career fairs, and even exclusive recruitment sessions for employers. If you are interested in joining virtual career fairs, contact us today and get connected with students from different universities in the region in your live virtual booth.


In order to entice the best talent, you will need a well-thought-out campaign that optimizes all marketing channels. By utilizing some of the tips we shared and analyzing the progress you make, you will have a great start in building an effective graduate recruitment strategy. 

If you are interested in having a better strategy for your student recruitment campaign and find the right fit for your organisation, feel free to contact us.