How to flag reviews that breach our guidelines

Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan
Product Director - Employer

At Prosple, we believe every student deserves access to honest and valuable insights about employers.


Graduate Reviews are a cornerstone of our mission at Prosple, providing employees with the opportunity to share their experiences openly and helping students make informed decisions about potential employers. After all, no employer wants to invest time and resources in recruiting candidates, only for them to discover it's not the right fit! 

Reviews also offer valuable insights for employers, helping them to improve their internship and graduate recruitment programs based on feedback from employees. 

That said, we understand that sometimes reviews may not meet our community standards. Feedback that crosses into inappropriate territory, such as harmful or obscene language, requires attention. That's why we have developed guidelines to help employers flag reviews. 

It is important to note that Prosple is a neutral platform. We do not engage in disputes between employers and employees, nor do we verify the factual accuracy of reviews. Since we aren't in a position to know all the details, our moderation focuses exclusively on ensuring that content complies with our community guidelines.  In any disagreement, we stay impartial, refraining from taking sides or serving as fact-finders in reviews or employer responses. 

It's also important to acknowledge that what may seem factually incorrect to one party might actually reflect the subjective experience of another. An employee's perception of certain events or conditions at work may differ from the employer's, yet it remains a valid personal perspective. While reviews may not always align with an employer's view, they represent the reviewer's genuine experience. 

Addressing controversial topics: We recognize that reviews may address sensitive issues such as sexual harassment, illegal activities, or discrimination. While these topics can be challenging, they offer vital insights into workplace environments, promoting transparency and informed decision-making for job seekers. At Prosple, we encourage open dialogue around these matters, as they can drive meaningful change. We advocate for respectful and factual discussions to ensure a constructive exchange of experiences.

Below we’ve outlined the key guidelines for employers to flag reviews for further investigation. 

1. Personal attacks, harassment, or threats

Reviews that contain harmful language, threats, or personal attacks against individuals -including specific employees, managers, or other identifiable people - may be flagged for violating Prosple’s community standards. 

Examples of violations:

  • Offensive, derogatory remarks targeting an individual’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

  • Reviews that use threatening language or incite violence towards individuals.

2. Inappropriate or offensive content

Reviews containing inappropriate or offensive language, images or content that breaches basic standards of decency can be flagged.

Examples of violations:

  • Use of obscene or profane language 

  • Sexually explicit or other inappropriate content for a professional setting 

3. Serious breach of confidentiality or intellectual property

Reviews that disclose confidential or proprietary information about a company's business operations, clients, financial or other internal matters should be flagged only in cases of serious violations. This includes situations where the review reveals information that may be illegal to share, such as trade secrets, proprietary intellectual property, or confidential customer data. Flagging should be reserved for breaches that pose a significant risk to the company's legal or ethical responsibilities. 

Examples of violations:

  • Revealing trade secrets or proprietary intellectual property.

  • Sharing non-public financial data or confidential customer information.

4. Conflict of interest / fraudulent reviews

Employers can flag reviews they believe are fraudulent or come from individuals with a conflict of interest, such as fake reviews, competitor interference, or reviews from those with no legitimate connection to the company. 

Examples of violations:

  • Reviews posted by non-employees or individuals who have never worked at the company.

  • Reviews written by competitors or those aiming to damage the company’s reputation.

5. Off-topic or irrelevant content

Reviews should focus on the employee’s experience with the company. Reviews that are irrelevant or significantly off-topic may be flagged. 

Examples of violations:

  • Reviews discussing topics unrelated to the workplace, such as personal political views or events outside of the company’s scope.

6. Duplicate content

Employers can flag reviews that have been posted multiple times by the same user or that duplicate content from other sources.

Examples of violations:

  • Posting the same or nearly identical review multiple times 

  • Copying reviews from other websites without adding personal insights. 

7. Solicited or paid reviews

Reviews that appear to have been written in exchange for compensation or at the request of the employer for a favourable review may be flagged. Soliciting reviews from employees should not be coercive or tied to rewards.

Examples of violations:

  • Reviews written in exchange for a financial incentive, gift, or other benefit.

  • Reviews that appear overly promotional or scripted.

How to flag a review

To ensure that the flagging system is used appropriately, we ask employers to follow these steps when flagging a review:

  1. Identify the Violation: Ensure that the review clearly violates one or more of the above guidelines.

  2. Complete our ‘Request for review’ form here. Where possible, supply additional information or documentation to support your claim that the review is in violation of our guidelines.

Our moderation team will evaluate each flagged review based on our guidelines and take appropriate action, which may include removing the review or requesting more information from the reviewer. Employers will be notified of the outcome once the review process is complete.

Creating a fair and respectful review space 

At Prosple, we’re committed to maintaining a platform where honest feedback and constructive dialogue can thrive. By following these guidelines for flagging reviews, employers help us ensure that all content remains respectful, relevant, and trustworthy.

We encourage employers not to flag reviews simply because they contain critical feedback. While critical feedback can sometimes be tough to hear, it’s a crucial part of improving workplaces and helping students make informed career choices. 

Employee experience and perceptions can vary widely, and constructive feedback - regardless of whether it aligns with the company’s views - plays a vital role in shaping a transparent workplace. Therefore, feedback will not be removed solely because it does not align with the company’s viewpoint; and we do not consider negative opinions or subjective views about company culture or management styles as violations. 

Prosple’s moderation process is designed to ensure fairness, and every flagged review is assessed thoroughly. By following these guidelines, we aim to maintain a balance between transparency for employees and fairness for employers, ensuring a constructive dialogue that benefits all parties.