What kind of jobs can you post on Prosple? 

12.08.24 06:03 AM By Elle
Melissa Chan

Melissa Chan
Product Director - Employer

At Prosple, we're all about connecting talented grads and interns with exciting opportunities. That's why we're passionate about making sure jobs on our platform are most suited for our students. 


Experience: It’s all about potential

We’re looking for jobs that give students a chance to shine, even if they haven’t got a long work history. That’s right, we’re talking zero work experience. Any experience they have is a bonus, not a must-have. 
In other words - what we’re not looking for are roles that are: 
  • Non-entry level: We’re all about welcoming newcomers to the workforce, not recruiting experienced hires
  • Highly complex and independent: We want entry-level positions, not roles requiring extensive project management, decision-making responsibilities or a high level of autonomy
  • Deeply industry specific and/or do not suit any degree requirements: These types of jobs are just not suitable for our students. After all, most are still studying and looking for their very first job! 
Of course, we recognise that some roles may require specific skills or knowledge. Here are some examples of acceptable experience requests:
  • Software development: "Experience with software development projects, either through coursework, internships, or personal projects."
  • Marketing strategies: "Familiarity with marketing strategies, demonstrated through academic projects or part-time work."
  • Financial principles: "Basic understanding of financial principles, gained through coursework or relevant internships."
  • Programming Languages: "Experience with Python, JavaScript, etc. (We mean 'understanding and knowledge of' rather than 'extensive experience using this in a working environment')."

Full-time jobs, part-time & casual jobs and internships

We accept all of these! Note, we treat part-time and casual jobs as synonymous. 
  • Full-time jobs are perfect for grads ready seeking full-time employment
  • Part-time & casual jobs are professional in nature and can be worked part-time while studying. Think paralegal roles for law students or social media support for budding marketers. But remember, part-time and casual roles should offer professional development opportunities, so jobs at fast-food chains or retail stores don’t align with our mission. 
  • Internships are the perfect way for students looking to explore potential career pathways while also furthering their professional development. For employers, this represents an opportunity to find future grad recruits ahead of the competition.

Making sure your job is a perfect fit 

In summary, to make sure your job posting meets our criteria, keep an eye out for these things (and do the opposite!): 
  • Excessive experience requirements
  • Overly complex responsibilities 
  • High levels of required autonomy
  • Jobs needing deep, industry-specific knowledge
  • Part-time or casual jobs that lack a professional pathway
If a job posting does not meet our guidelines, it will be unpublished and we’ll let you know the reasons why and what you can do to fix it. 

If you’re unsure about anything, feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re always happy to help!