Best workplaces for graduates: where we get our data

30.04.24 09:13 AM By Schejah

Team Prosple

We figured out the best workplaces in the country the way we do most things: by focusing on the things that really matter to help students get the best start to their career.

If you’re here, you’re probably wondering:

  • How we got thousands of recent grads across the country to tell us about their jobs.
  • How we know these reviews are from real employees – not unverified internet users.

Well, here’s how we did it! 

1. We partner with graduate employers

The reason we can get actual employees to tell us about their jobs is because we have long-standing relationships with their employers.

Unlike most other jobs sites, where companies can just set up accounts and start posting jobs, we specifically work with employers who are hiring grads and interns.

We personally reach out to each of these companies to set up profiles and work with them to post jobs and create authentic content that students (like yourself!) actually want to see.

For example, here’s Canva’s employer profile:

When Canva is hiring, their jobs will show up on this page. And even when there aren’t jobs, you can still use the employer profile to learn all about the company.

For example, if you’ve ever wanted to know what a fresh grad’s everyday life at Canva looked like, you could check out “Day in the Life Stories” – where fresh grads talk about just that.

If you’ve ever wanted insider advice on what Canva looks for when recruiting candidates, you can find that too.

And if you’ve ever wanted to know how fresh grads really feel about their jobs at Canva, well, that’s where our surveys come in.

2. We survey graduate employees

Every year, we create a survey, which employers send to their most recent batch of graduates and student interns.

The surveys ask employees about their job satisfaction, career prospects, the company culture, its CSR efforts, and other aspects of the job.

Importantly, the surveys are fully anonymous and the results are sent directly to us (not the employer), so graduates can feel comfortable speaking honestly about their experiences. As you can see, the reviews cover both pros and cons of the job:

This process can take anywhere from three weeks to six months, depending on how busy the employer and their graduate employees are.

Unfortunately, employers sometimes get really busy and can’t help with surveys every year. But you can be sure the results you see on our site are the most up-to-date data, as we only display responses from the most recent batch of surveys.

3. We crunch some numbers

When the data comes back to us, the first thing we do is remove any confidential or personally identifying information.

When that’s all done, we aggregate the data, calculate an average across the responses, and publish our findings on the employer’s profile.

Check out the Canva’s review page for instance.

For our Best Workplaces ranking, we take one more step: We filter out employers with fewer than five survey responses. This makes sure that the winners aren’t determined by a small number of anomalous responses.

And that’s how we ended up with the 6,100+ responses that helped us determine the best workplaces in Australia!

And that’s it!

Yup, that’s it for our process. We did nothing fancy – no frills, no fuss, no complicated calculations.

We figured out the best workplaces in the country the way we do most things: by doing the things that really matter to help students like yourself get the best start to your career.

So whether you’re struggling to write a resume or wondering how much graduate jobs pay, check out our site! Take a look at our career advicesearch for jobs, and apply for jobs – all on Prosple Australia.

And if you want videos to procrastinate on … well, we’ve got that too!