Australian graduate recruitment trends in 2024

20.08.24 05:02 AM By Elle
Melissa Chan

Karen Ranara
Early Careers Writer

Discover key graduate recruitment trends to pay attention to and how to adapt.
Over the past year, Prosple has analysed data on graduate recruitment from employers across Australia to identify the latest trends in our field. 

We shared our findings in a recent webinar. Below, you’ll find a snapshot of the main trends we covered along with our recommendations on navigating them.

​The trends

​📈 Applications are up significantly year on year

Over the past two years, applications for graduate jobs and internships have increased by 58%, with a 15% rise occurring this past year. 

Total job applications 

Part of this heightened demand comes from the fact that students are applying for more jobs.

Students are applying for more jobs 

Students are applying for 12 jobs on average now. That’s a 33% increase in applications per student compared to last year – and a 71% increase since the preceding year.

Other factors driving the rise in application numbers include:
  • The increase in students in higher education
  • The return of international students
  • Employers’ enhanced post-pandemic recruitment efforts
  • Increased competition due to the tighter job market
  • The use of AI tools which speeds up applications
​💼 Accounting & Advisory jobs get the most applications

Applications surged across most sectors this year, with Accounting & Advisory at the front of the pack, attracting around 28,000 applications, followed by Technology and Management Consulting. 

Applications by industry sector 

Where is this interest in the Accounting & Advisory sector coming from?
According to our data, students from various degree programs – particularly those in Business, Engineering, and IT – are increasingly interested in the field.
For example, the number of Business students who applied to Accounting & Advisory jobs increased by 3% this year.

Top industries for Business students, by application

As a whole, business students are:
  • Applying less to the Technology, Management Consulting, and Trading sectors.
  • Applying more to the Accounting & Advisory, Banking & Financial Services, and Government sectors.
There has also been a 4% increase in applications for Accounting & Advisory jobs from Engineering students.

Top industries for Engineering students, by application 

As a whole, Engineering students are: 
  • Applying less to the Mining, Engineering Consulting, and Technology sectors. 
  • Applying more to the Construction and Government sectors.
​💻 IT & Computer Science students are applying for more jobs 

Our data show that students from IT & Computer Science backgrounds in particular are applying to more jobs.

IT & Computer Science students now make up nearly 30% of all job searches on our platform, a significant increase from just over 20% last year.

Search trends by study field 

IT & Computer Science students are also applying to a greater variety of sectors.

Top industries for IT & Computer Science students, by application 

While Technology remains the top choice for IT & Computer Science students, applications to this sector have declined. 

Increasingly, IT graduates are exploring opportunities in Accounting & Advisory, Mining, Government, and Management Consulting. 

​🎓 Students want more internships 

The trend of more students seeking internships continues this year. While graduate jobs remain popular, the percentage of students applying for internships has increased by 3% compared to 2023. 

What jobs are students applying for?

This shift suggests that students are willing to invest time and effort in gaining relevant experience to enhance their employability upon graduation.

​🏢 Remote work is losing its appeal 

Unlike previous years, remote work has become less popular among students. As you can see, while job search activity has increased in most locations, demand for remote work has plummeted.

Preferred work locations for students 

In 2021, we introduced the remote work location filter, allowing students to search for remote jobs. This setup was popular from 2022 to 2023, but fewer students are opting for remote work in 2024. This trend suggests that students are increasingly interested in returning to office environments and interacting with their peers.

It has also become increasingly difficult to fill regional roles, particularly in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Tasmania.

​🎯 Students prioritise location, timely responses, and salary 

Prosple surveyed students, asking them, "When searching for an internship or graduate job, how important are the following factors to you?" Ranked from most to least important, the responses were:

In other words:

  1. Location is students’ top priority - especially given the diminishing interest in remote work.

  2. Students want to know when they’ll hear from you.  Remember: Gen Zers are accustomed to instant updates and feedback. They will move on if they don’t hear back.

  3. Salary & benefits are top of mind for Gen Z. This is a trend that started during the COVID-19 pandemic, which likely made students more sensitive to how quickly the economy can change. So make sure your salary & benefits are clearly listed! 

  4. Students want to plan ahead. This is why it’s important to clearly outline start and end dates as well as career progression.

​​Tips for responding to these trends 

Consider recruiting outside of peak period

Although March typically sees the most individual job searches, employers should consider extending their visibility beyond this period. Broadening recruitment efforts outside the usual timeline can engage students who don't apply during peak times, offering employers a competitive edge in attracting top talent. For instance, July and August are excellent months for recruiting, whether you are hiring for the first time or conducting top-up campaigns. There are lots of opportunities when there's less competition.

Speak Gen Z's language

Creating short but impactful videos that showcase your company and employee stories are far more engaging than job postings with lots of text. If there’s one thing that Gen Zers like, it’s authenticity. Be direct, avoid corporate speak, and highlight the benefits they can get from the job.

Make it easy for them to apply

Positive candidate experience starts when employers streamline their recruitment process, especially for students applying for jobs and internships. Reduce the clicks by ensuring employers can redirect them seamlessly from one page to another.

Track your return of investment

To effectively measure and analyse your digital activities, apply click trackers to all your online interactions and utilise the applicants tab for your Prosple activities. When engaging with students, ask them where they first heard about the opportunity, ensuring the question allows for multiple selections. Additionally, track the number of students you interact with at on-campus events using unique QR codes for each event. Finally, compare your findings to market data to gain valuable insights.

Craft high conversion jobs

Start by creating an engaging brand that captures attention and resonates with potential candidates. Offer flexible work options to appeal to a wider audience, and avoid standard openings to stand out from the competition. Highlight a high salary to attract top talent and consider campaigning outside of peak periods to maximise visibility. Additionally, a strong graduate brand and above-market reviews can enhance appeal, and beginning the ad with "what's in it for them" can immediately engage and motivate candidates to apply.

Boost your jobs

With thousands of jobs advertised during key recruitment periods, visibility is crucial. Fewer students browse multiple pages, so ensure your jobs are visible during peak times. 


Staying attuned to the evolving needs and preferences of graduate students is essential for employers seeking to thrive in the competitive field of graduate recruitment. By leveraging diverse strategies and adapting to these trends, you can enhance your ability to attract and retain top-tier talent, ensuring long-term organisational growth.

To attract more applications and increase employer branding, book a strategy session with one of our Graduate Attraction Consultants today.

​The slide deck and webinar

To watch the whole webinar, click the video below!

Check out the data discussed in this article in our slide deck from the webinar. 

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