Start recruiting interns and grads in minutes
Create your
employer profile
Post your job listing
for free
Select from hundreds
of applicants
Benefit from the reach of our network
Benefit from the reach of our network
11,000,000+ students & graduates
seeking opportunities that align with their dreams
275+ institutional partners
connecting students with meaningful opportunities
7,000+ employers worldwide
finding their next generation of talent
Promote your company with authentic content
Share videos, articles, and events showcasing your company culture, and let Prosple deliver your content to the right audience.
Reach hundreds of universities with one job listing
Reach universities and student societies through the Prosple Partner Network, becoming instantly visible to students across hundreds of universities.
Gather in-depth applicant data
Gain insights on how to optimise your content, make your employer brand stand out, and drive high-quality applications.
Attract students with hybrid & virtual events
Attend remote job fairs, webinars, and panel discussions to pitch your job openings to a live audience.
Rank as a Top 100 Employer for Fresh Grads
Build your pipeline of high quality candidates by becoming one of the companies that fresh grads aspire to join.
Trusted by campus recruiters worldwide
Prosple's timely guidance and support has made this year's virtual recruitment experience enjoyable.
Angelique Holden
Talent Management Consultant
Baker & McKenzie
Working with Prosple has allowed us to grow our brand significantly reaching students from different backgrounds.
Stephanie Kish
Talent Advisor (Early Careers)
Pitcher Partners
I came across Prosple when searching for innovative ways of marketing our Graduate Program and have not looked back!
Katrina Gannon
Org Development Manager
Austal Australia